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Home » Who is Terrorist Group ISIS? The Jihadist Army’s Savage Ambitions

Who is Terrorist Group ISIS? The Jihadist Army’s Savage Ambitions

Courtesy of thomas koch/Shutterstock.com 

LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat, and John have an eye-opening discussion bringing to light the terrorist group that has been in much of the recent headlines regarding terrorism: ISIS. Where do they come from? What are their goals? They are causing all this devastation in the land of the Bible, Nineveh, and Garden of Eden while persecuting Christians by putting them to death with guns, beheadings and crucifixions and among other ways.  The intentions of this group are not simply terrorism; it is straight out evil. The Al Qaeda terrorist organizations have separated ties from the group ISIS because of their barbaric acts and viciousness. Understand who this group is and so much more. Also shared in this segment:  Egypt, Sunni and Sheit, Benjamin Netanyahu, forced marriages and democracy.



Who is ISIS? The Jihadist Army’s Savage Ambitions

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