LISTEN NOW! It is important for us as the Body of Christ not to breeze over the events that are taking place across the world, especially when it is regarding our brothers and sisters in Christ. When we take into consideration the 147 Christians that were just massacred in the nation of Kenya, one can’t help but consider the devastation that many are facing who were affected by those 147 lives. How we respond is critical. During a White House Easter Prayer Breakfast, President Obama shared his remarks; “On Easter I do reflect that as a Christian I am supposed to love and I have to say that sometimes when I have listened to less than loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned…but that is a topic for another day.” There is a message for both those are who are persecuting Christians and for those who are being persecuted. God is in control. Hear the full story of what is taking place, how the Church must respond and so much more. John and Steve shared during this program.
WATCH! 147 Christians Massacred by Islamists Terror Group Al-Shabab. Christian Persecution gone Global?