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Home » WATCH! VFNtv & the Daily Radio Program Second Hour April 1, 2015

WATCH! VFNtv & the Daily Radio Program Second Hour April 1, 2015




Jews Attacked in Brooklyn NY with Air Soft Pistols: Anti-Semitism is Racism


We have said continually that we have to stand up for the Jews and for Israel. This includes the Jews within the very neighborhoods of America. What is being investigated as a hate crime resulted in a Jewish grandfather and his two grandsons being the targets of a paintball gun on the streets of Brooklyn. This was one of three crimes that a New York task force is looking into to verify if they are linked together. When we see actions against someone just because of their race that is called racism. When we see events that are targeted against Jews simply because they are Jewish, that is anti-Semitism; racism towards Jews. These are openly against the Jews. Some actions are not so overt. When the Virginia Bar Association recently made the decision to recant an upcoming trip to the nation of Israel, the message sent was quite clear. CBN reports, “Although the bar’s members number more than 30,000, just 39 people signed it. Yet that was enough to lead to the trip’s cancellation.” If we say that we stand with Israel, but our actions express that we do not, than our intentions are clear. We must take the bold action of allegiance with Israel and the Jewish people in this critical hour. Hear the full story of what is taking place in Brooklyn, how the Virginia Bar Association is responding, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Racism is not Black or White it’s a Spirit that Divides


In our everyday lives, we see injustices that are taking place. Whether who anyone may be, it matters how we respond to someone who is treated wrong. Greg shares a story of his own when he encountered his very own reality. At that point, we have a choice: do we continue to do business at a particular establishment, or stand up and voice the truth? Contrary to what one may believe, racism is a spirit. Through a test conducted by a teacher in her very own classroom, she concluded how quickly this spirit can enter into an individual’s mindset based off of words that are spoken out over a people. The words that we say about others matter. The human race cannot be categorized by colors, nor can it be categorized by shades of color. It is simply the human race. Jesus Christ died for all of humanity that all may have eternal life.

Are we Really Going to Give Away Guantanamo Bay Cuba?


Throughout both the presidency of Barack Obama and his season of running for President, actions of closing down Guantanamo Bay have been resolutely stated. What do these words mean? For some in America, it is understood that many prisoners from the war in Iraq and conflicts in the Middle East are held there. This is the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp. When the President boldly made those statements, was it in reference to simply the Detention Center, or the entire Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay? It is important to understand and know that this Naval Base resides on the Southeastern tip of Cuba. Cuba is merely 90 miles from the border of Florida. How would these events effect the state of Florida, of the United States? The prophetic voices and images that have been given by the Lord may be a cursor as to what can result. Hear God’s news behind the news as you hear how these decisions could affect you, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.


Iranian Commander says Erasing Israel off the Map is Non Negotiable: While giving Iran a path to Nuclear weapons is Negotiable?

In the past, Iran has made some bold statements. According to Breitbart, the statements have continued as Mohammed Reza Naqdi, head of the Basij militia unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards stated, “Erasing Israel off the map is ‘non-negotiable’”. This brings a stark concern to the negotiations table that the United States and other nations are presently sitting at for the decision of Iran and their nuclear development plan. These events are not good. Those who demonstrate themselves as enemies of Israel are also enemies of the church. Listen to the full report, the critical insight into such headlines, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Watch!  A.D. The Bible Continues

From the creators that brought you ‘The Bible’ miniseries, now have created another dynamic visual production ‘A.D. The Bible Continues’. A.D. The Bible Continues brings the resounding life of Jesus Christ to life through a tapestry of masterful images and events. A movie that the whole family will love is sure to capture all of its viewers. Watch the full trailer here, and so much more.






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