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Home » WATCH! VFNtv & the Daily Radio Program Second Hour April 7, 2015

WATCH! VFNtv & the Daily Radio Program Second Hour April 7, 2015






WATCH! Reclaiming the 7 Mountains of Culture Arts, Entertainment and Media; Impacting our Culture for the Cause of Christ


In 1975, Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham received powerful revelations from the Lord as to how to best impact any nation for the cause of Christ. Briefly, Cunningham shares the powerful truth that each and every nation can be broken down into 7 intricate areas; mountains. They are: Family, Religion, Government, Education, Media, Arts & Entertainment, and Business. God has called each and every one of us to transform nations to Himself. With the continual releases of Christian movie productions, one can’t help but notice that there is change happening in the Media and Arts & Entertainment mountains. Just by looking at two of the most recent and upcoming Christian films, you can see why. Watch these impactful and encouraging trailers and see for yourself what God is doing, and so much more. John and Steve shared in this segment.


Power of Vision Propels all Aspects of Life


 The Bible gives us profound insight and encouragement by looking at Proverbs 29:18; Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint. When we have vision in our lives, we can accurately discern the events and opportunities that can actually distract us from what we are moving consciously towards. Without it, we are only reacting to the events taking place in our lives and in the lives around us. What would happen if we live our lives with vision, walk out our marriages with vision, enter the workplace with vision? You will be greatly empowered as you see how the vibrant difference of living a life with vision, and so much more. John and Steve shared in this segment.


Our Greatest Aspiration in Life; to Follow Jesus?

 From the days that footsteps of Jesus left impacts in the soil of Israel, until the moments of present day, the words of Jesus have not changed. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus said, “Follow Me”. Again in John 8:31, Jesus said, “If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples.” The words of Jesus are still in effect today. Francis Chan brings a sobering reality to the choices that result in lives reflecting a totally different outcome than what Jesus calls us to walk out. If we say that we are Christian, but we are not “following Christ”, does it matter what we say with our lips? Allow your heart to be stirred as you hear this impactful conversation, and so much more. John and Steve shared in this segment.





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