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Home » Is there an Evil and Oppressive Leadership Waiting to be Released over the Church? The Lord is Just

Is there an Evil and Oppressive Leadership Waiting to be Released over the Church? The Lord is Just


LISTEN NOW! Now is an important time for us to recount and remember the reality that God is Just. If someone were to take the life of a child, we would expect justice to be served and that person be convicted of a crime. Taking the life of your own child for the ability to have greater success in your life is not just. When we begin to understand the repercussions of God’s definition of being just could be the taking of our own life as an adequate consequence, we have an immediate response of humility and the recognition of needing to get right before the Lord.

Presently, there is an increasing level of stress, anxiety, and darkness. Regardless of our realities, nothing is a valid excuse to accept being unfaithful to the Lord. We must recognize what took place amongst the Israelites because of the decision of unfaithfulness towards the Lord. 2 Chronicles 12:2 reveals, “Because they had been unfaithful to the Lord, Shishak king of Egypt attacked Jerusalem in the fifth year of King Rehoboam.” This is an important truth to be aware of: destruction was coming to the people of Israel because of their choice to no longer be faithful. In response, this is what the Lord says, “You have abandoned me; therefore, I now abandon you to Shishak.”

In response to the words of the Lord, ”the leaders of Israel and the king humbled themselves and said, “The Lord is just” as noted in 2 Chronicles 12:6. God took note of their humble response, “When the Lord saw that they humbled themselves, this word of the Lord came to Shemaiah: “Since they have humbled themselves, I will not destroy them but will soon give them deliverance. My wrath will not be poured out on Jerusalem through Shishak. They will, however, become subject to him, so that they may learn the difference between serving me and serving the kings of other lands.”

We are seeing conflict and persecution throughout every part of the Globe. Instead of focusing on the event that is happening, we must see the paradigm of what is being allowed by the hand of God. This is the same comparison. There are many “Shishaks” lined up to bring destruction to America. The only reason why so much devastation and so much mounting destruction could take place in such a short period of time is because we, the Church, have turned our backs on the Lord. If we think the last seven years have been bad, get ready. This is nothing compared to what lies in our future if we do not repent. There is a Zedekiah waiting in the shadows.  

Presently, America is at that point. Many have turned their backs on God, blind to the reality that we have an Egyptian-sympathetic leader that is increasing his strength day after day. If we do not heed the warnings of the Lord, we will find ourselves under an ever greater leadership to learn the difference between serving the Lord and an evil king, just as Judah did.

This is such an important truth and reminder of the days that we are living in. It matters what we do and it matters what we don’t do. This is a revealing paradigm. As 1 John 2:6 states, “Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.” Our lives must demonstrate the commandments from Jesus, not just our tongues. When we begin to see Jesus and His life more than simple admiration of character, but more as a holistic role model in every way, we begin to take a drastically different approach in our decisions.

Hear the full context of this important truth, the vitality of understanding the current events that are happening in the world, in America, why we cannot be satisfied in simply liking Jesus, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: government, leadership, sin, repentance, humility, consequences, kings, and pride. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Ppictures/Shutterstock.com



You really really really really really like Jesus. But if you were honest with yourself, you don’t really want to become like him. You admire his humility, we all do, but do you really want to be that humble? I mean you think it’s beautiful. I think we all think it’s beautiful that the son of God would get down on his knees and wash the feet of his disciples. We think that’s beautiful, but is that really the goal or your life, and is your life headed in that direction of servanthood? You’re thankful that Jesus was spit on, and abused, and that he took it, but you would never let that happen to you. You love the fact that he laid down his right, but you’re going to spend your life fighting for yours and defending yours. You praise him, you sing songs, and you love him because he loved you enough to suffer his whole time on this earth for your sake, but you’re gonna make sure you have fun while you’re down here, and that you have a good time. In short, you think Jesus is a great savior, but he’s not a great role model. And I say that because a lot of times I’ll give messages, and its about the character of Jesus Christ and the way we ought to follow that character, and it’s met with this, “Hey no, I can have this, I can have that,” and I just gotta stop and say, “Wait a second, is Jesus Christ your role model?” Think this through, is it the desire of your heart that you would be the servant that would lay down your life for someone else? The crazy thing about all of this is that 1 John 2:6 says, “Whoever claims to live in him, must walk as Jesus did.” Let me read it again, “Whoever claims to live in him, must walk as Jesus did.” It’s not an optional thing. It’s not this optional thing. Well maybe I can be a Christian and admire everything about Jesus but my life will look nothing like his. No John says no, “Whoever claims to live in him,” whoever claims to have Jesus in him, “must walk as Jesus did.”
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This post was edited 8/1/2016

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