Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » Imagine a Computer that looked like a Human. Could you Tell the Difference?

Imagine a Computer that looked like a Human. Could you Tell the Difference?

LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! Every time we enter more information into our computers, it is simply gathering all of the data that we are giving it. Whether it’s through a keyboard, in a text, or speaking into our mobile devices, it is happening. Imagine the very computer that you are working not looking like it presently does, but just like a human being? Could you be able to tell the difference?


Hanson Robotics is clearly beyond the limits of the envelope as their newest development can easily be perceived as a human being at first glance. It isn’t until one looks behind the figure that the exposed wires reveal what exactly is going on. As CEO of Hanson Robotics, Dr. David Hanson explains, “Hanson Robotics develops extremely life-like robots for human robot interactions.” He also describes how these robots are designed to be used, “to serve in healthcare, therapy, education, and customer service application.”


With an even deeper description of the design, Dr. Hanson details the basic makeup of how the robot works. Considering it is still a robot, it has a name, “Sophia”. “Sophia is capable of natural facial expressions, she has cameras in her eyes, and algorithms, which allow her to see faces, so she can make eye contact with you; and she can also understand speech, and remember interactions, remember your face, so this will allow her to get smarter over time.”


There are few bugs that still need to be worked out as Dr. Hanson demonstrates her conversational skills. “Sophia, do you want to destroy humans? Please say no.” Immediately the robot says, “OK, I will destroy humans”. Dr. Hanson’s shares that the goal is to make these robots as “conscience, creative, and capable as any human.”


Since the beginning of time, mankind has been seeking to design their own works to be like God, just as in the Tower of Babel. This is the epitome of the Tower of Babel. If we don’t think this is concerning, just consider how some willfully accept the splitting up of their family just as long as they get to keep the computer. See the robot speaking for yourself and so much more. Also shared in this segment: technology, human beings, artificial intelligence, and Creation. Greg shared in this segment.

screen capture from MSNBC.com

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