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How Does Your Vote Affect Society?



“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” When we talk about a Christian, it doesn’t mean you are perfect, it means you are forgiven. We cannot be saved by the law, but we can put our confidence in God and be saved through Him. As we vote for our governmental leaders in America we need to have this mindset that we are only saved through Jesus and make our decisions knowing that the candidate is not the answer, but God is the answer. Kenneth Copeland, Pastor George Pearsons, Bishop Keith Butler, and David Barton help us to know how our vote can make the difference.

Bishop Butler explains how “Every election has consequences…good or bad.” Jesus said, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”  As we vote we can keep the words of Jesus in mind and know that our vote can be the deciding factor in an election. “The power of going into the voting booth is the seed that we sow not only for the nation but for our own lives,” says Pastor Pearsons. We can look at the person that is running for office and see what their values are and what is their agenda. Which will help us choose the right candidate. God with us, will be what guides us to make the right decision. We need to spend time with Him and abide with Him so we can hear His voice to make that decision. With God all things are possible! Also shared in this segment: Morality, Original Intent of America, President, Legislation, Platform. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

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