There is no greater wisdom than to listen to the very words of those who lived out the many seasons that are experienced in this life. There is no greater …
In this refreshing conversation, Greg, Pat, and John share about a recent encounter detailed by Francis Chan and his experience with Jehovah Witnesses. If we know Jesus Christ personally and …
The Bible talks about King Jehoshaphat in 1 Kings 22. This was a man who was a ruler over God’s people. During his time of leadership, he began a relationship …
When two young Christian men heard of an atheist slave owner who controlled nearly 3,000 slaves, their reactions are still sending ripples of their boldness to this day. No minister …
In a recent study, according to, most Americans believe God rewards athletes with faith. “53 percent of Americans and 56 percent of self-described sports fans say athletes with faith in …
When we think of the word “game changer”, we understand that everything is new; nothing is as it was. Every single person in The Body of Christ is called to …
In 1906, a move of God shook the world that is now known as “The Azusa Street Revival”. What many may not know is that one of the significant characteristics …
When someone is seeking of a healing from the Lord or particular provision; whether it be a breakthrough in finances, or in the workplace, some may have heard the response, …
Imagine getting a big box of parts; full of materials, screws, nuts and bolts. Then, apart from having the instructions, how long would it take to put it together, correctly? …
When we face hardships and difficulties in our lives, focusing only on the hardships will bring about the wrong outcome: fear. We can encourage ourselves that God led the Israelites …
There are reportedly more slaves now in the world than there have ever been. For some, this is new news. The growing concern is the amount of children that are …
Young adults that are hungry for the things of God are gathering to learn how they can have a greater impact on the heart of God during their lives. It …