LISTEN NOW! We are now witnessing the transition of President Elect Trump into the highest office of America. But, this wasn’t a surprise to God. God is always in control …
God, I pray for President Elect Donald Trump’s spiritual life that he can hear your voice and obeys your voice in every situation. I pray against all wrong speakers whose …
LISTEN NOW! On more than one occasion President Elect Donald Trump has expressed that he is not a politician, nor is he looking for the talents of politicians to fill …
LISTEN NOW! “Let’s give [Trump] a shot” says Bob Johnson, Founder of B.E.T. On more than one occasion President Elect Donald Trump has expressed that he is not …
LISTEN NOW! Yes, Donald Trump has been chosen as the next President Elect, but there are those that are still organizing to carry out their agendas. There is nothing that …
LISTEN NOW! Picture yourself with a 55-gallon drum. OK, now fill that drum with peanut butter. More specifically, 72.4% of it, with peanut butter. The remaining space, fill it with …
LISTEN NOW! Is George Soros Organizing Anti-Trump Protests? Are Alinsky Tactics Continuing? Yes, Donald Trump has been chosen as the next President Elect, but there are those that are still …
LISTEN NOW! There is nothing outside of God’s control. This also includes the very times and seasons when individuals are established in leadership; in the case of America, when a …
LISTEN NOW! As President Elect Trump counts down the days until he assumes the Presidency of the United States, he is beginning to compile his transition team that will help …
LISTEN NOW! “God put Donald Trump there, he didn’t put himself there” says Rick Joyner and shares a Prophetic Perspective of the Elections There is nothing outside of …