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Home » P. M. Benjamin Netanyahu Speaks at United Nations: Iran’s President is Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing- We can’t be fooled

P. M. Benjamin Netanyahu Speaks at United Nations: Iran’s President is Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing- We can’t be fooled


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss the speech Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, gave before the general assembly of nations at the United Nations.  His speech was clear about Iran’s president Hassan Ruhani was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.   We shouldn’t be fooled by soothing words when facts and evidence clearly contradict his words.  The other thing Israel’s prime minister makes clear is that Israel and Israelis are not going anywhere even if they have to stand alone.  They are a people who date 4,000 years from the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  He continues to say “Never give up hope, always remain vigilant.  Hope charts the future, Vigilance protects it.”  They continue to discuss how Christians must remain vigilant.  In the midst of everything that is happening in the world today and how Israel is completely surrounded even by America, we mustn’t lose focus.  Although Iran has a new president we must forget that Iran’s policies are not new and they haven’t changed.  They are still working towards creating nuclear weapons to fulfill their desire of wiping Israel off the face of the earth.  Iran’s new president, Ruhani was only 1 out of 6 candidates that were allowed to run for office out of 700 that pursued the opportunity.  The Prime Minister lays out tactics that have been used against Israel that appear to come right out of Saul Alinsky’s handbook Rules for Radicals.  We mustn’t close our eyes to the realities of what has happened to Israel and what is being fashioned against her now. It’s time for America to turn to God and be on the right side when it comes to Israel. 

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