LISTEN NOW! John, Greg and Pat discuss how there is a protocol for the outpouring of God’s Spirit. John shares how God woke him up one morning and before his head came off his pillow he heard “The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few; the harvest is plentiful that’s why I sent you.” He believes that this was a direct word for him but it is also a word for the church. We have been sent to bring in the harvest. They discuss how many are hearing God regarding the coming move of God and are filled with great expectation and joy. Many are looking forward to the wonders of the Lord, basking in his presence, and being an eye witness to the countless souls that will make Jesus Lord of their life. However, revival and refreshing doesn’t just happen there is a protocol for the outpouring of God’s spirit. The protocol is the same as it has always been repentance precedes refreshing. Acts 3:19 says “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord”. John continues to share how God spoke to him regarding the book of Joel, many in the church today are familiar with Joel 2 declaring how God is going to pour out His Spirit on all flesh yet they often overlook Joel chapter 1. Joel 1:4-5 speaks about the great locust, the young locust and the other locust that have come to eat everything leaving nothing. Then it goes on to say in verse 5 “Wake up, you drunkards, and weep! Wail, all you drinkers of wine; wail because of the new wine for it has been snatched from your lips.” Many today are drunk in the church not necessarily on wine but they are intoxicated on the things of this world totally stupefied meaning they are in an altered state of mind. The truth is that God wants his church to be intoxicated on His Love and presence. It’s time to call for a solemn assembly and declare a holy fast and stop getting together as the church just to get together but to unite for one purpose and one purpose only; to repent before God. They continue to discuss how the church has many things but do we have a spirit of mourning, a spirit of weeping and wailing for the sins that are committed in the world, in the church and for our own sins. To wail means to utter a prolonged inarticulate cry however the problem is that we have filled God’s ears with articulate prayers while we have failed to repent. If we want to see the outpouring in Joel 2 take place, we must first repent that refreshing may from the Lord. The message was the same when John the Baptist preached it, it was the same when Jesus preached it, it was the same when the disciples in the early church preached it and it is the same today. It’s time to ask the Lord for grace to truly see the atrocities of our sins before him and burden us with a spirit of weeping and wailing, repenting for our own sins and the sins of our fathers asking for mercy, sparing us from judgment, and calling out for revival.
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LISTEN NOW! John, Greg and Pat discuss how there is a protocol for the outpouring of God’s Spirit. John shares how God woke him up one morning and before his head came off his pillow he heard “The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few; the harvest is plentiful that’s why I sent you.” He believes that this was a direct word for him but it is also a word for the church. We have been sent to bring in the harvest. They discuss how many are hearing God regarding the coming move of God and are filled with great expectation and joy. Many are looking forward to the wonders of the Lord, basking in his presence, and being an eye witness to the countless souls that will make Jesus Lord of their life. However, revival and refreshing doesn’t just happen there is a protocol for the outpouring of God’s spirit. The protocol is the same as it has always been repentance precedes refreshing. Acts 3:19 says “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord”. John continues to share how God spoke to him regarding the book of Joel, many in the church today are familiar with Joel 2 declaring how God is going to pour out His Spirit on all flesh yet they often overlook Joel chapter 1. Joel 1:4-5 speaks about the great locust, the young locust and the other locust that have come to eat everything leaving nothing. Then it goes on to say in verse 5 “Wake up, you drunkards, and weep! Wail, all you drinkers of wine; wail because of the new wine for it has been snatched from your lips.” Many today are drunk in the church not necessarily on wine but they are intoxicated on the things of this world totally stupefied meaning they are in an altered state of mind. The truth is that God wants his church to be intoxicated on His Love and presence. It’s time to call for a solemn assembly and declare a holy fast and stop getting together as the church just to get together but to unite for one purpose and one purpose only; to repent before God. They continue to discuss how the church has many things but do we have a spirit of mourning, a spirit of weeping and wailing for the sins that are committed in the world, in the church and for our own sins. To wail means to utter a prolonged inarticulate cry however the problem is that we have filled God’s ears with articulate prayers while we have failed to repent. If we want to see the outpouring in Joel 2 take place, we must first repent that refreshing may from the Lord. The message was the same when John the Baptist preached it, it was the same when Jesus preached it, it was the same when the disciples in the early church preached it and it is the same today. It’s time to ask the Lord for grace to truly see the atrocities of our sins before him and burden us with a spirit of weeping and wailing, repenting for our own sins and the sins of our fathers asking for mercy, sparing us from judgment, and calling out for revival.
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Tags: repentance, refreshing, wail, weep, mourn