LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss a recent article published in the Huffington Post “Is it Time to Change Our Views of Adultery and Marriage?” They continue to discuss how the article sites a statistic regarding how 50% of marriages are ending in divorce. The truth is that fewer people are getting married today. It is reported that even in Mexico citizens are offered a temporary marriage license. We are leaving God’s original intent. They have twisted the meaning of marriage and said the two will become one they just have decided which one they will become. The truth is they need to become like Christ. They continue to discuss the sexual revolution that took place in the 60’s and the devastating affect it and many things that occurred in that era has greatly affected the family and marriage for the worse. Today they are totally tying to say that marriage is outdated and questioning what God has clearly said just like the serpent did to Eve. These are interesting times; don’t give up on the family and God’s original intent for the family.
Irreplaceable The Movie Trailer
The State of the Family in America and how to Get Back to God’s Original Intent
Discussion on James Dobson’s new Book, Fatherless
Tags: family, original intent, constitution, values, marriage