President Obama Vows to Go it Alone on Immigration
LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat, and John share about the saddening events that are occurring on the borders of America as over 52,000+ abandoned children seem to be used to “nudge” America in a direction “they” feel is right. Some of the arguments presented by many are that America does not have the tax base to provide for these immigrants. The chain of events mirrors the realities of what happened when America turned away Jewish refugees causing them to find sanctuary in the Dominican Republic. As the church, it matters how we respond to the children of the world. The answer to the myriad of issues in America is not political, it is a heart issue. We have to turn to God, seek His heart, and honor God with what He has given us. Cindy Jacobs about our boarders and a potential 9/11 type attack. Be encouraged as you learn how to respond in these critical moments and so much more. Also shared in this segment: President Obama, immigration, Jewish immigrants, Dumitri Duduman, John Paul Jackson, Congress, Constitution, and repentance.
President Obama Vows to Go it Alone on Immigration
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