LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat bring together a discussion of clarity amidst the confusion of so many topics that are blanketing headlines. Ending with a prophetic word given by Cindy Jacobs about our boarders and a potential 9/11 type attack, she say while right now, Israel is responding to the constant threats upon their borders and missiles shot upon them by returning fire of their own, while three of their teen son’s blood still lays moist in the soil from their murder. The borders of America are being overrun by immigrants overwhelming Federal authorities. With the lack of forward progress with an array of issues, President Obama has decided to take action by going around Congress, the American people, and making things happen, i.e. “going around you” the American citizen. Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President is making things happen by building relationships with the nation’s mayors, business leaders and as she say “to go around congress.” Valerie Jarrett has outlasted 4 other Chief of Staffs in the White House. Amidst the constant changing topics in media, there is an underlying repetition of pressure, threats, ridicule, and specific narratives. Everything is being polarized against itself. The question is; what is the desired outcome of these decisions? As the church, we can’t allow ourselves to be enticed by the alluring options that feed into our flesh. Paul said that he came with no enticing words but simply with a demonstration of God’s power. Don’t respond by taking the bait that appears to bring peace amidst the storms of chaos and calamity. God’s government has always been above the governments of the world. The answer lies only in God. Get clarity and peace amidst these times of confusion and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Valerie Jarrett, Alinksy Tactics, Affordable Health Care Act, Palestinians, Middle East, Immigration, Jezebel Principality, seduction, Israel, John Paul Jackson, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Hillary Clinton, Congress, Constitution, Cindy Jacobs, customs, and America.
Inside the White House with Valerie Jarrett
President Obama Vows to Go It Alone on Immigration
Hundreds of Arabs riot across Jerusalem after Palestinian teen found murdered
Obama Vows to Go it Alone on Immigration
Prophetic Warning of Another 9/11 Scale Attack Planned
Valerie Jarrett Talks Murdoch, Congress and What’s Ahead for Obama
7 months to Bury the Bodies, 7 years to Burn the Weapons; Is it soon to Come? Part 1
7 months to Bury the Bodies, 7 years to Burn the Weapons; Is it soon to Come? Part 2
WATCH! The Perfect Storm Update – John Paul Jackson
The Winter is Over! The Opportunity for a Third Great Awakening is Soon Upon Us: Dutch Sheets
Organizer of the Day vs Organizers of the Night: Are They Using Tips from lucifer to Organize America and the World
RIDICULE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
PRESSURE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World?
ORGANIZE UNCEASING PRESSURE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World?
TERRORIZING THREATS! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World?
Pushing Bipolar Narratives: Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
CLEAR ALTERNATIVE: Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
Pick It, Target it, Freeze it, Personalize it and Polarize it: Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
Bodies of Three Missing Israeli Teens Found Near Hebron
Is Valerie Jarrett the De-facto President?
Woodrow Wilson Selected before Elected and was his wife the First Female President? Is there any relationship with the Obama Administration?
Alleged Negotiations taking place with President’s Iranian born Adviser Valerie Jarret, not John Kerry, S.O.S.
Prophetic Warning to America. America will Burn! Dimitru Duduman
URGENT PRAYER for US, Israel, Middle East – Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Pierce, James Goll, Peter Wagner