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Home » Trustworthiness and Resourcefulness: Keys to a Blessed and Fruitful Life for God- Can You Stand to Be Blessed?

Trustworthiness and Resourcefulness: Keys to a Blessed and Fruitful Life for God- Can You Stand to Be Blessed?

Courtesy of MochaVP/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW!John, Pat, and Steve have an encouraging conversation about how to live a blessed life. Many people want more in life, while not being grateful with what they already have. For those who have a job, who have a family, it’s an important perspective to remember the many that do not have work or unable to have children. God looks for those He can bless. He also wants to give blessings to those that He knows won’t leave Him in the blessings. It is important, as the church, to seek the heart of God, not the hand of God. We all must give an account of how we have managed all that has been entrusted to us in this life. True riches are not in this life, but in the life to come, with Jesus. Be encouraged as you learn how to manage life to the eyes of One, how to be faithful with what has been entrusted, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: managing, eternity, favor of God, and faith.


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