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Home » Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem

Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem


LISTEN NOW! The authorities within Jerusalem have thwarted a terrorist attack that occurred just outside The Damascus Gate. CBN’s Chris Mitchell brings a first-hand visualization of the scene as he recounts what took place just hours ago. According to a police spokesperson, ‘there were three terrorists. One was presenting his ID to one of the policewomen and another opened up with automatic fire.’  As a result, “the three terrorists were killed on the spot”.


Imagine if this was taking place in Washington D.C., a Washington police officer being wounded in a situation like this. It would be immediately broadcasted. Where are the accurate perspectives from media regarding what is taking place within the borders of Israel? It’s time that we broadcast the truth about Israel, and ultimately stand up in support AND defense of Israel. If all one is listening to, is secular media, the truth of what is taking place is going to be missed. Be informed about what is taking place in Jerusalem, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: persecution, narratives, truth, boldness, media, and persecution. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of ChameleonsEye/Shutterstock.com


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