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Home » Islamists Explain Why they Hate & Fight Christians

LISTEN NOW! As the world has witnessed the brutal savagery of ISIS, many have questioned what fuels their hatred for those who do not follow the same beliefs that they follow. As CBN reports, a recent article in the DABIQ publication reveals that very answer. The very title of one of the sections tackles this important matter: “Why We Hate You & Why We Fight You”. We first have to recognize how a people can walk boldly and so confidently against the ways and teachings of Jesus Christ. God has simply given them over to a depraved mind as shared in Romans 1:28. By looking at the journey of Nehemiah, we can see how God raises up an army to bring discipline, if we do not repent.


The article is rather open regarding the obvious reasons. As the article begins, “We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah whether you realize it or not by making partners for Him in worship, you blaspheme against Him, claiming that He has a son…” Yes, we acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He is the Son of God. By simply acknowledging and declaring this simple truth, it is seen as blasphemy in the eyes of Islam. Regardless of what Islam claims, no relationship with Jesus, no relationship with God. It’s that plain and simple. As Mike Bickle of Kansas City IHOP beautifully shares, ‘You can lose your mind trying to explain the Trinity and you can lose your soul if you deny the Trinity’. Islamists may believe that God is unable to forgive, but that is the very essence of Jesus’ purpose upon the Cross. Jesus was not killed upon the Cross. He offered Himself up upon the Cross, that The Father’s will be done in His life, as a sin sacrifice for all sin. It was this very action that allowed all mankind to be forgiven for sin.


In another reason why Islamists hate Christians, the articles writes, “We hate you because your secular, liberal societies permit the very things that Allah has prohibited while banning many of the things He has permitted, a matter that doesn’t concern you because you separate between religion and state, thereby granting supreme authority to your whims and desires via the legislators you vote into power.” Yes, this is true. We have elected leaders into power that have made many decisions that weren’t made before. The article then continues to list the very decisions that have recently been passed in America. “Your secular liberalism has led you to tolerate and even support “gay rights,” to allow alcohol, drugs, fornication, gambling and usury to become widespread, and to encourage the people to mock those who denounce these filthy sins and vices.” Yes, this is true. America has passed into law the very things that God hates.  


How can there be an army of individuals that are so infuriated against the very things that are the foundations of Christianity? How can an army be established so swiftly that is now calling out the sin within America? It is because we have sinned. The armies of ISIS do not have a hand up upon God. God is still in control. God has allowed it to happen. Looking at the Biblical history of what happens when a nation turns against God, God will raise up another nation to deal with that nation.


Additionally, in America, we see the leadership of America, sympathizing with Radical Islam. For whatever reason, it is happening. When speaking before the Jerusalem Post, Mossab Hassan Yousef, author of The Green Prince, exclaimed, “When the President of the free world stands and says that Islam is a religion of peace, he creates the climate, he provides the climate, the perfect climate for more terrorism.”

In the simplest of words, Rick Joyner highlights, “if you stay on the road you’re on, and stay in the direction you’re headed, you’re going to get there.” When people ask why Islam hates Christianity, we must remind ourselves that Islam has always hated Christianity. They are the polar opposites. They are not the same thing. It’s time to make a decision for God whether we will follow His ways or our own. Watch the full conversation and get the full story about this matter, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Radical Islam, beliefs, CNN, Fox, violence, Germany, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, politics, President Obama, pride, stiff-necked people, sin, Separation of Church and State, and truth. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
screen capture from clarionproject.org

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