LISTEN NOW! For some of you, there has been a uneasy restlessness upon you. As Pastor John Kilpatrick continues to share prophetic words for 2017, he highlights how God is using this restlessness for a reason. God is going to begin to shift things and He is going use that Restlessness for a Reason; in order to get you to shift where He has you to be.
You are in ministry, and you are restless where you are. You have reached a place where you have peaked in your vision and capacity. That is all right because God is opening a door for you by the month of July, and you will walk through that door. This door will stretch you—stretch your mind and stretch your confidence. You will be forced to change your mind about things, which you need to change your mind about. As a matter of fact, you will feel overwhelmed, not really knowing if you can do this. Indeed, it is an open door Holy Spirit has opened, which He could not have offered you until now because your frustration has peaked.
You are now in holy desperation, and Holy Spirit will use that to remove you, so He can move you through this open door.
This is so exciting as many who have experienced transition can relate to that. When God begins to move you, when God begins to shift things, when He begins to shift you, it’s always good to go with God. Now is the time to step outside of the mindsets of the past and into what God is doing now! Be lifted up in your faith as you hear the entire word from Pastor John Kilpatrick, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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