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Home » Call on the name “The Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”; How are We Supposed to Respond the Rising Jihadi Threat in America?: part 5 Discussion with John Guandolo, Former FBI Agent and Terrorism Expert

Call on the name “The Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”; How are We Supposed to Respond the Rising Jihadi Threat in America?: part 5 Discussion with John Guandolo, Former FBI Agent and Terrorism Expert


LISTEN NOW! The threat of Jihad in the world is very real as we have learned in the discussions with Former FBI Special Agent, John Guandolo. The most recent reality is that the Islamic State has released an app in order to teach Jihad through the alphabet. While many would think of A is for Apple and B is for Button, it is a very different story in the world of Jihad. Words like ammunition, bullet, and tank are the imagery that is used to get the message of “learning” to these young children. The Islamic State wants to kill others. This is nothing new.

We can see the reality of what is happening across the world and the growing existence of Sharia Compliance, but the mounting question is: what do we do. When Pat Hamilton received a dream from the Lord, he was greatly encouraged. As he shares, he was enjoying fellowship with the Church inside of a home when he heard something at the front door. As he opened the door, there was an angry mob of Radical Jihadis all around him. He shares how he didn’t hesitate. He knew there was a heavenly host around him. As he stepped to walk, the angry mob just split around him and the crowd disappeared.


God is waiting to see if we trust him. There are many mindsets that are holding many in the Church back from the destiny that God has waiting for us, if we would just believe and trust in the goodness of His plans. We can see a good picture of how we are to respond to the growing reality of Radical Islam in the world by looking at the life of Kamal Saleem.


Saleem was raised in Lebanon where he was taught the ways of Islam. His earliest memory is being taught the ways of Jihad from his mother. “If you kill a Jew, my son, your hand will light up before the throne of Allah and the host of heaven will celebrate what you have done.” His younger years weren’t complete without being sent to training camps in order to learn the ways of Jihad. It was at these camps that he learned “a more subtle form of Jihad, “Cultural Jihad”, which is shifting cultures”. It was in the 1980’s that Kamal travelled to America to wage Cultural Jihad.


It was during his travels to train and recruit others in the ways of Jihad that his plans went horribly awry.  He suffered a car crash where he was ejected from the seat of the car and broke his back in two places. It was during the response of those around him that he kept hearing these words, “we are going to take care of you”. Each of the people that responded to him, while on the scene of the accident, in the hospital, and in his recovery, this is what he heard. It was in his recovery that his doctor opened up his personal home for Kamal to spend his recovery.

While in this home, he began helping out around the house and cooked meals with the families. One particular day, the family had guests: A Jewish family that they supported, had traveled from Israel. “And now I’m hugging Israelis and I’m cooking for Jews. I go ‘what has happened to me’”? After fully recovering from his accident, he was then able to go to the home that he hadn’t been in in months. He shares how he prayed to his god Allah, “Allah. Allah my lord and my king. Why have you done such a thing to me? I’m OK with the car wreck. I’m OK with all this but why did you put me with Christians? I’m confused. These Christians and Jews, they are good people. There is nothing wrong with them. They don’t want to kill us. They’re not the same thing that I learned about them.” He asked Allah to speak to him. “I want to hear your voice. I want to hear that you love me. If you’re real speak to me. I want to hear your voice. Guess what Allah said that day. Absolutely nothing.”

Because Kamal questioned his faith, he was about to kill himself with a gun. Just seconds before he sought to end his own life, “I heard a voice. The voice knew me by name. ‘Kamal. Kamal. Kamal. Why don’t you call on the Father of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.’” It was then that God entered the room. It was in this moment that Kamal’s life radically changed. He was shocked to know that God not only knew him, but also loved him, amidst all that he had done. It was that day that Kamal gave his life to Jesus Christ.

This is how we are called to love those who have the same intentions of waging ‘Cultural Jihad’. If so many Muslims are doing so much believing a lie, imagine how differently their lives can change when the Church shares the truth of the love of Jesus Christ with them. Could we love a Kamal if he came up to us in our daily lives? This is what we are called to do. Be greatly encouraged as you hear the full report of Pat sharing his dream from the Lord, the full testimony of Kamal Saleem, the powerful commandment to love others, and so much more. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
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