Is this the Zero Hour? How Important Are Sheriffs and Pastors? Understanding the Jihadi Generation: part 4 Discussion with John Guandolo, Former FBI Agent and Terrorism Expert
As Bakker continues with his own realization understanding that we have been infiltrated, Guandolo immediately responds with this sobering truth, “Oh sure. Who do you think has been writing your foreign policy?” As a saddening truth, the Muslim Brotherhood has been inside our government since before the Obama Administration; only in the present administration have they been able to operate as they are.
Truth of the matter is this: The Constitution and Sharia cannot exist simultaneously. Sharia Law sees itself as over the Constitution. Sharia Law is not simply a belief system. It is a totalitarian system that seeks to control politically, socially, religiously, and governmentally. We are seeing a nation of blinded minds walk unsuspectingly through these deceptions and lies. How can we as the Church know what the lie is if we don’t know the truth? God is fashioning a storm against America. He will take care of those who are His.