“If You Don’t Have a Warring Spirit You Won’t Be Able to Stand”. Prophet Bobby Conner Shares about What is Ahead for the Future
While in this home, he began helping out around the house and cooked meals with the families. One particular day, the family had guests: A Jewish family that they supported, had traveled from Israel. “And now I’m hugging Israelis and I’m cooking for Jews. I go ‘what has happened to me’”? After fully recovering from his accident, he was then able to go to the home that he hadn’t been in in months. He shares how he prayed to his god Allah, “Allah. Allah my lord and my king. Why have you done such a thing to me? I’m OK with the car wreck. I’m OK with all this but why did you put me with Christians? I’m confused. These Christians and Jews, they are good people. There is nothing wrong with them. They don’t want to kill us. They’re not the same thing that I learned about them.” He asked Allah to speak to him. “I want to hear your voice. I want to hear that you love me. If you’re real speak to me. I want to hear your voice. Guess what Allah said that day. Absolutely nothing.”