LISTEN NOW! When watching television, we often look over the people who make up the very programs that we’re watching. One of the programs, HGTV’s Fixer Upper casts an interesting family who fixes up homes that need attention. The wife within the Gaines family has a powerful testimony of how God has spoken to her and brought healing to her from the wounds that she suffered as a little girl that began in a lunch room.
As she had many dreams and possibilities in her life, it was during this season that God said to her “Joanna, I have a calling for you. You’re going to have a platform one day.” She responded by asking “what does that even mean?” God continued to speak to her, “There’s gonna come a time where I’m gonna say for you to go and I’m gonna need you to step out and go.”
What she didn’t know was that her very dreams were beginning to be realized when she received a phone call from a production company. Watch and listen to her entire story and be filled with faith and boldness in the areas that God may be calling you to step out, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: childhood, mindsets, cowboys, businesses, family, children, faith, boldness, and patience. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Screen Capture from youtube.com/Baylor University
Screen Capture from youtube.com/Baylor University
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