Veil of Tears New Documentary Film; The story of Suffering Women in India
LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat discuss the new documentary film Veil of Tears.
We are all made in the image and likeness of God. Satan will do everything he can to destroy life. He tries to take life in the womb as well as going to extreme lengths to rob every human being from their dignity and bring them down as low as he possible can. His goal is to enslave you. The Bible tells us that Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. To disrespect, shame, and hurt a human being is to disrespect, shame and hurt Jesus. For whatever you have done to the least of these brothers of mine you have done to me is what Jesus said in Matthew 25:40. How we treat people or allow others to treat people is the same way we allow people to treat Jesus.
Today God is looking for those who will partner with him to stand for those who can’t stand for themselves as well as looking for those who are willing to be a voice for those who have no voice. Millions of women and children are abused every year as Christians and as citizens of heaven and of his kingdom we mustn’t close our eyes to these injustices but instead be willing to do something about it. But you can’t do anything for anyone if you don’t know what is going on. The ministry Gospel for Asia is doing their best to share and educate the body of Christ of the suffering of women in India with a documentary film called Veil of Tears educating us on the plight of these women who face all kinds of abuse, like dowry-related homicide, bride burning, infanticide, and sex trafficking. We must not forget that a third of India’s population is under this oppression and God expects us to have compassion and help those who can’t help themselves. They continue to share the three ways that you can help suffering women and children around the world. The first thing you can do is to inform and educate others of their plight and you can do that by sharing the film Veil of Tears. The second thing you can do is give financial resources towards providing a way of escape for these suffering women and children and the third thing and most important thing you can do is to strategically pray for their salvation and deliverance.
LIGHT HOUSE Prophesy Revisited
Greg, John, and Pat revisit the lighthouse prophesy given by Bob Jones in 1994 regarding a move of God that was coming to Pensacola. They continue to discuss many aspects of how this word intersects with many things the Lord has shown them as well. They continue to discuss how this prophetic word has significant meaning as this is something that has been labored and believed for, for many years. Many things mentioned in the prophetic word confirm many of the things they see or have seen happening. One such thing is the transference of “Prayer Mountain” to Pensacola, Florida and the 24 hour weekly Prayer and fasting community that has been praying for nearly five years. They continue to discuss as ones who have not only experienced God’s outpouring in the city but as those who have continued to minister in the same city. They also discuss how Yolanda Dupree, a holocaust survivor and intercessor, was told by God that He was establishing his fire mountain. They also discuss the confirmations regarding the light house and how God has showed them prophetically being a battleship on the Gulf Coast protecting the Gulf Coast from spiritual attack as well as them taking down lies with truth. The discussion continues on how Pensacola has been called the womb of the nation. Their desire is to see this move of God to come and for the Lord to redeem what was started and to touch Pensacola, the Gulf Coast and the entire nation with a mighty move of God.
The following is Bob Jones word written by Paul Keith Davis…MORE